Burn Ban Lifted

The Michigan DNR has lifted the burn ban. Please contact your local municipality for burn permits. https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-350-79136_79237_80917_81046—,00.html?fbclid=IwAR3rwa9bqCfalf9YW4S5iDPYuwtMziXM7yAy48eaVK701qGZAsH4GLOYxsQ

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Michigan DNR issues Statewide Burn Ban

ATTENTION: Due to the “stay home, stay safe” executive order, most burn permits are suspended across the state. Burning yard debris is the top cause of wildfires in Michigan. Suspending burn permits reduces the potential for wildfires, which will limit the risk of exposing first responders to coronavirus and make sure trained personnel and equipment are available…

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